It’s hilarious looking back just about one year ago, when I was devising some arcane complicated formula for how I would score my monthly progress in working on my backlog of games, especially since 90+% of my gaming time this past year has been focused on Final Fantasy XIV.
Since my FFXIV character is basically caught up with the cutting edge of current content, I’m hoping to refocus and re-prioritize my gaming to include something besides FFXIV in the new year before Stormblood hits in June.
FFXIV Update
Since I last posted, my raid group has continued to work on content – we are currently progressing on A12S, around the second time dilation. (Although we had a number of raid days off over the holiday period, so our outing last night was pretty lackluster – hopefully we can get back to where we were this week).
If you’re interested in keeping up with my raid group, our public records are visible on FFLogs, and one of my raid teammates usually streams our raids on Twitch (Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30pm – 11pm Eastern).
I did make one major change recently, my character left my old FC and joined The Gold Saucer, which is where 5/8 of my raid group were. So far I’m getting along really well with the new company, but I do miss my T.C. friends.
Happy Holidays from Gold Saucer #FFXIV #Cactuar
— trdaisukeP (@trdaisuke) December 25, 2016
Since my crafters are geared and my gatherers are nearly geared, aside from raid I don’t really have a huge number of goals before the expansion, so hopefully I’ll be able to make progress on other games.

Gaming Update & Gaming Goals
Clearly that arcane scoring system is out the window. I beat very few games last year, even counting each FFXIV content patch as a different game like I did 😛
In the new year, I would like to get back into beating games again, but I want to play what I want to play. I’m sure I’ll continue to spend quite a lot of time on FFXIV, but I would also like to beat FFXV (which I picked up before my long vacation and couldn’t play while I was out of town with just my PC and 3DS) as well as Pokemon Sun & Moon, which I spent quite a bit of time with over break. I’d like to beat them both before June, but I’d also like some time to play some of the other fun things I’ve picked up lately, like The Last Guardian (which I won in a raffle from my new FC!)
So let me set those as goals, with no deadline or points on the line, let’s just get them beat:
- Final Fantasy XV
- Pokemon Sun
- Pokemon Moon
I have no idea how many games I bought last month, but it was clearly too many between PSN, Steam, and Nintendo eShop sales. I’ll need to assess the damage and add new titles to my backloggery page. Hopefully this year I’ll stop buying games I don’t have time to play, but with a number of exciting titles about to come out, including Persona 5 and Gravity Rush 2, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stick to that.
Other Goals
There are a few other things I’d like to get in order for the new year in other aspects of life, which also suffered from the excessive attention I gave to FFXIV last year. Hopefully I’ll be able to post on this blog more and fix a few things on the homepage, exercise more, migrate my home server to a newer operating system, and watch more anime. Ohayocon is right around the corner as well. There’s a lot to do. Hope to see people in Columbus!
— Ohayocon (@ohayocon) January 3, 2017
Until next time!
4 replies on “New Year, New Priorities”
oooh, didn’t know your group streams your progression 🙂 followed!
I think he usually does, if he forgets to turn it on, let me know & I’ll yell at him 🙂
so from tonight I think you guys may benefit from a little better planning on healing cooldowns. Also emergency tactics is good!
what do you mean better planning? I know I should use ET more but sometimes I get worried about the animation delaying the heal