
Efficiently Farming Diva Points on Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f

One of the people on my Backloggery recently asked me about tips on how to farm Diva Points faster on his quest to earn a Platinum trophy on Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f. Foundations for Success at Project Diva f Play with headphones. I always use headphones for rhythm games – and passive ones, not…

Anime Web

凛ニャー!/Rin Today Hits 200 Subscribers

I’m shocked, humbled, and somewhat proud to announce that 凛ニャー!/Rin Today has hit 200 subscribers! Rin Today started as a spin-off of my main Tumblr when I was concerned that I was pushing out too much Hoshizora Rin content versus other content. Rin Today began life pushing out Rin content 1x/day – but I’ve been…


This Week: Love Live in Columbus

Love Live, one of my beloved idol series is getting screening its movie in Columbus this week. Of course, I’m coming down for it! The screenings will be at the Gateway Film Center, near the OSU Campus. Showtimes seem to be: Sunday, 9/13, at 2 PM – it seems like this showing is also a…


August Gaming Backlog Update

Well… this month happened. I was doing somewhat well, but then the beginning of the academic year started, I was out of town for extended periods of time, and I got distracted with playing with some website things… all of which contributed to a pretty significant failure on my set goals. I did have the…


Summer 2015 Anime Update

I have not been watching nearly as many shows as I had planned to this summer because things have been busier than planned. Without getting into all of the work drama that has consumed my weekdays and the busy summer fun with friends that has kept my weekends packed, suffice it to say that I’m…