Anime Conventions Gaming

Time for Colossalcon 2015

I’ve been attending and have enjoyed Colossalcon for the past 5 years or so, but every year it seems to sneak up right on the heels of ACen. That’s no exception this year – I can’t believe it’s time for Colossalcon 14/Colossalcon 2015 (their various PR people keep referring to it as either/or. It’s the…


May Gaming Backlog Update

So, in May, I made a little bit of progress on my backlog of games – including earning a platinum trophy in Monster Monpiece. View my Backlog Most Played in May: Love Live! School Idol Project: School Idol Festival (Droid) Monster Monpiece (Vita) Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (PS3) Soul Sacrifice (Vita) StreetPass Mii Plaza (3DS)…

Anime Conventions Gaming

One Day at ACen 2015

This can be filed under “better late than never” – because I’ve had a busy few weeks since Anime Central, and no time to put this up. I had a good time at Anime Central. Unfortunately I was only able to attend Friday, but I still accomplished a lot in just one day. Attended a…


Updates to My Anime List

So I’ve finally updated my MyAnimeList profile for what I’ve been watching lately. This season, I am currently, actively watching: Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (continuation) Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma | 食戟のソーマ I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying! Season 2 | 旦那が何を言っているかわからない件2スレ目 Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in…


Minor Update to “Play With Me”

I’ve made a few changes to the page Play With Me – what do you think?