
Healing Magic vs. Abilities in Final Fantasy XIV Online

Inspired by a recent post on reddit, I wanted to share with new healers in Final Fantasy XIV Online that there is a difference between healing magic (also called spell-based healing) and healing abilities. If you hover over the skills on your hotbar, you can see what is what. [caption id="attachment_517" align="aligncenter" width="549"] Adloquium is…


New Monthly Scoring System

Because of a few things I’ve been kicking around in my head, I’ve decided to implement a new scoring system, starting this month, in December. I’ve created a page detailing the new scoring system, which is maybe a little complicated. On a high level, I’ll just say that it’s designed to help me follow some…


Black Friday Weekend vs My Wallet & Backlog

So… this weekend was rough. Despite all good intentions, and despite setting not buying many new games as one of my big goals for the month, I ended up buying quite a few games to add to my backlog this weekend. In order, let’s see: Google Play had a sale on games. I was good…


October Gaming Backlog Update

Warning: potentially scary imagery follows. Last month, I set a really aggressive goal: to beat enough games in October to cover not only ten for the month, but also the eight of my goal of ten I failed to beat in August. I managed to beat way more than ten games in October. Unfortunately, I…


Best Tracks in Persona 4: Dancing All Night

Having just obtained my platinum trophy in Persona 4: Dancing All Night, I can tell you one of my favorite things about this game was some of the amazing tracks in it. I’ll share here my 3 favorite tracks from the game, in case you haven’t yet decided whether to play. But in general, I…