It was a long time coming, but after weeks of work, my raid group cleared A6S on our sixth pull of the night at 10:07 PM Eastern on Tuesday, August 9th.
This group had been working on A6S since the first time I subbed for them, and has undergone a number of roster changes and welcomed a number of temporary subs, so this victory, which comes only a week or two since officially welcoming our new melee DPS to the team, is especially sweet.
6 replies on “A6S Cleared”
@trdaisuke Your PLD has very legit dps!
@farplaner I know, we’re lucky to have him. (Don’t tell him I said that.) Now that we got through it I can start worrying about my own 😉
[…] changes and challenges, I’ve been enjoying raiding with them ever since. Just recently, we were able to clear A6S, which had been a thorn in our side for […]