
Impressions: Week Two of Stormblood

Warning: Potentially spoilers for those who have not completed the main 4.0 quest chain. Quick thoughts on recent FFXIV Online expansion, Stormblood – quick mostly because I can’t stop playing long enough to put anything more extensive together. Initial Early Access Raubahn bottleneck aside, Stormblood has been overall a phenomenal addition to the game and…


Now Streaming – Stormblood MSQ and Leveling

I’ll be joining Proto Omega’s Twitch stream as a pocket healer as Proto, Siryn, Aki and I go through the Stormblood MSQ and leveling dungeons. The stream is up now, please join us in chat! Watch live video from Proto_Omega on


Before the Storm: Heavensward Reflections

The new Final Fantasy XIV Online expansion, Stormblood, launches on Tuesday, with early access beginning this Friday, June 16th. Before that, though, I want to take a moment to think back on what Heavensward was to me. When I started the playing FFXIV in January 2016, I was apprehensive about joining an MMO. I already…