
Jiffy Update: O2S Killed Thursday, 7/20

Jiffy killed O2S (Catastrophe) on Thursday, July 20th around 7:19 p.m., about an hour into our raid that night. The pull prior to our clear we managed to hit enrage – primarily due to the number of deaths we had – but our clear was pretty clean: only I died.

You can take a look at our parse here, or view the video embedded below. I have no idea why sound didn’t work, but I’m working on adjusting OBS settings before our next raid.

Due to life issues and one of our members moving, we’re done with progression for the week – but at least we got in for a little O3S that night – and will resume on Wednesday with reset raid around 6:30 p.m. Eastern and O3S progression to follow.

Jiffy after clearing O2S
Jiffy after clearing O2S

By trdaisuke

I'm a 30-year-old student affairs professional, technology enthusiast, and all-around geek:
Moe junkie. Chronic backlogger. Hobby blogger. Idol trash. Steam user. Trophy hunter. 星空凛 fan. @trdaisuke

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